Policy Manual



Type: Procedure                 Category: General                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care Employees and Contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=1.MEP.2&nonav=yes

Supporting References: Mental Health Regulations

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  3-25-2004  Executive Director  5/97, 01/01, 8/99, 2/04  N/A
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type
1.ME.2 Supervision Policy

Procedure:  .

1.        It is the responsibility of the Community Care Executive Director to ensure that all employees receive adequate administrative and clinical supervision.

2.        Supervision types include the following:

         Administrative supervision: will occur on a regularly scheduled basis. Each employee's immediate supervisor will provide this supervision. Minimally two sessions monthly of administrative supervision will occur, either individual or group.

         Group supervision: will be provided as appropriate (or requested by provider) to supplement individual supervision.

         Clinical Supervision: will be provided by the Clinical Supervisors or other designated, and appropriately clinically licensed, individuals to all applicable employees with appropriate clinical qualifications.

         Individual Supervision: will occur as needed.

3.        Clinical supervision will occur minimally four hours monthly for all direct service providers who do not hold clinical licensure. This supervision may be provided to teams and groups. Clinical supervision will occur not less that one hour per month for all licensed direct service providers. Individual clinical supervision will be provided as appropriate or as requested by employees. (As identified in item # 9 below)

4.        The supervisory process will include the following:

         Employee tasks and workload review;

         A review of service volume including an accounting of the service needs of assigned clients;

         A review of the service practice with a comparison to best practice standards;

         A review of the employee's development plan including a review of all planned outcomes in the area of performance and the progress made toward achieving goals within this plan; and

         A performance review, conducted at the quarterly required times for new employees, not less than annually after the first year, and more often if necessary (as identified in item #10 below).


5.        The performance review will include the following:

         An assessment of job performance in relation to the expectations defined in the job description and the objectives established in the most recent evaluation;

         A description of clearly defined objectives and outcomes for future performance;

         Recommendations for further training and skill building, if applicable; and

         An opportunity for the employee sign the document and to include their comments in the therein; and

         The presentation of a written copy of the review to the employee and to their personnel file.


6.        All individual and group supervision will be documented on the appropriate form, including date, length and topic(s). The employee maintains a copy, with the supervisor maintaining the original on file. Clinical supervision hours are also maintained in the public folders, entered therein by a designated individual from each team or program, with the original document filed in the office of Human Resources.

7.        At any time, the employee may directly contact other persons within the supervisory chain, or the Executive Director, if that employee believes that supervisory concerns are not being adequately or appropriately dealt with by the employee's own supervisor.

8.        All supervisors will engage in supervision that includes discussions and professional development of supervisory skills and strategies to be used by the supervisor.

9.        Qualified personnel will provide clinical supervision for clinicians to assure licensure compliance. Minimal parameters include:

         One hour per month for those licensed to practice independently.

         Four hours per month for practitioners not licensed to practice independently or the amount of supervision required by their professional licensing authority (whichever is greater).

         For independent practitioners, consultation can include case reviews and team meetings in which the individual is not acting in a supervisory capacity.


10.     In addition to the required documentation above, supervisors must complete, review with the supervises, and forward to Human Resources for the personnel file the following:

         90 Day Review (From Original Hire Date)

         6 Month Review (From Original Hire Date)

        Annual Review (To be completed yearly from Original Hire Date)