Policy Manual


Client Grievance      

Type: Policy                 Category: Service Delivery                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care employees and contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=3.ME.21&nonav=yes

Supporting References: COA Standard CR 3: Grievance Procedures; COA Standard VOC 11.02; Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services page 15; Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services Who are Children in Need of Treatment

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  11-1-1995  Board  11/95, 5/97, 12/97, 9/00, 6/03, 12/08  12-1-2008
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type
3.MEP.23 Client Grievance and Appeal Procedure

Policy:  It shall be the policy of Community Care that client complaints that cannot be readily and informally resolved shall follow a normal process of inquiry and resolution. All service recipients have the right to due process concerning grievances and shall be notified of this right upon entering service. They shall be provided with access to a full copy of the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services and documentation of this notification shall become part of the client record. Clients and/or legal guardians must be provided with a notice of their rights upon admission to service, when their rights change, and every year on, or prior to, the anniversary of their entry into service or nniversary of the last change in their rights. Information will be provided in a manner that meets the written and oral communication needs of the client. A formal written grievance asserts that provisions of the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services or other client and/or guardian rights have been violated by Community Care providers, contractors, volunteers and/or student interns. Clients and/or legal guardians have the right to file a grievance without interference or retaliation, to receive timely written notification of the resolution and an explanation of any further appeal, to have at least one level of review that does not involve the person whom the complaint has been made against, and to be heard by a panel or person delegated to review responsibility.