Policy Manual



Type: Procedure                 Category: Service Delivery                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care Employees and Contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=3.MEP.16&nonav=yes

Supporting References: 

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  8-1-2001  Executive Director    N/A
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type

Procedure:  .

1.      The decision to disclose information shall be made by the client's Case Coordinator as allowed by Federal and State Law, The Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services, Community Care licensing requirements, and other applicable standards. For disclosure of most information, a Community Care Authorization for the Disclosure of Protected Health Information form will be used. When the record contains information relating to HIV infection status, a separate Community Care HIV Infection Status Disclosure form authorizing the disclosure of this information must be used. In respect to the disclosure of psychiatric information, the Community Care Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information Psychiatric Form must be completed prior to the disclosure of such information. In the absence of the Case Coordinator, it shall be the responsibility of the Team Clinical Supervisor, or (or designee), to ensure the proper disclosure of information.

2.      Under no circumstances shall information in a client's file, obtained from sources outside Community Care (such as schools, social service agencies, and other health care givers) be rereleased.

3.      In the event that Community Care, or Community Care employees or contractees, be court ordered to disclose information that the client chooses not to disclose, it shall be the responsibility of the Team Clinical Supervisor, together with the Case Coordinator, to resolve this issue recognizing Community Care's ethical obligation to protect the right of the client. The Team Clinical Supervisor should involve other appropriate Community Care resources, as necessary, to resolve the issue.

4.      The client's right to privacy among providers shall be paramount. Information shall be shared only for clinical/ treatment purposes, and only by those persons involved in the client's treatment or case coordination process.

5.      The Training Coordinator shall coordinate and provide oversight to ensure that all trainings regarding Community Care's values, standards, policies, and procedures on confidentiality is provided. This shall be done with all new providers upon orientation and with all existing providers not less than once a year.

6.      Disclosure of information by an employee or contractee, other than in response to legal mandates, without the client's informed and written consent shall be considered immediate grounds for discharge. In accordance with State law, unauthorized disclosure of HIV status information shall require immediate termination of employment.

7.      Clients who choose not to have information disclosed to a third party funding source, such as an insurance company, shall pay the full charge for the services they receive. Clients shall be made aware of this expectation at the time they begin receiving services.

  1. Unlike outpatient mental health settings, Community Care clients are served within community settings by their service providers. While the rules for confidentiality apply, the community setting presents situations that are not covered by the general rules for confidentiality. The following procedures will be followed as a supplement to the general rules:

        Clients may not be identified as Community Care clients unless the standards for such identification, as noted in our policy regarding confidentiality, are applied.

        While in the community, the provider will make every effort to prevent the client's identification as a program client.

        No document, paperwork, or word of mouth that identifies the client contrary to this addendum is permitted.

        Any identification that may be required must be cleared by the Case Coordinator and/or their designee. In the absence of the Case Coordinator or designee, the Team Clinical Supervisor or designee will be called upon for a decision.