Policy Manual


Client Request for Email Communications      

Type: Form                 Category: Information Technology                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Care Development of Maine employees and contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=6.MEF.5&nonav=yes

Supporting References: 

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
6.MEP.41  12-12-2005  Board    12-12-2005
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type

Form:  .


Client Request for Email Communications


Communications over the Internet and/or using the email system are not encrypted and are inherently insecure. There is no assurance of confidentiality of information when communicated this way. Nevertheless, you may request that we communicate with you via email. To do so, you must complete this form and return it to your provider's office.


Please be advised that:

(1)    This Request applies only to the provider or office that you indicate below. If you would like to request to communicate via email with another provider or office, you must complete a separate Request for that office.

(2)    Community Care will not communicate health information that is specially protected under state and federal law (e.g., HIV/AIDS information, substance abuse treatment records information, mental health information) via email even if we agree to communicate with you via email.

(3)    Your Request will not be effective until you receive and respond appropriately to a test email message from Community Care. Please select the test question you want to use below, and provide us with your answer.


Please provide the following information:


Patient Name: ________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________


Phone number: _______________________


Address: _______________________________________________________________


Please specify the email address to which communications should be addressed:



Please specify the provider or office from which you are requesting email communications:



Please select the question you want to use (by checking the one of the boxes below) for your test email and provide your answer.


        The last four digits of my Social Security Number: _______________

        My mother's maiden name: _______________

        My middle name: _______________

        The street number of my residence: _______________


Please initial each blank and sign below:


____ I certify the email address provided on this Request is accurate, and that I, or my designee on my behalf, accept full responsibility for messages sent to or from this address.

____ I have received a copy of the IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROVIDER/CLIENT EMAIL form, and I have read and understand it.

____ I understand and acknowledge that communications over the Internet and/or using the email system are not encrypted and are inherently insecure; that there is no assurance of confidentiality of information when communicated this way.

____ I understand that all email communications in which I engage may be forwarded to other providers, including providers not associated with Community Care, for purposes of providing treatment to me.

____ I agree to hold Community Care and individuals associated with it harmless from any and all claims and liabilities arising from or related to this Request to communicate via email.



Signature of client or personal representative







If personal representative, authority to act on behalf of patient