Policy Manual


Security Incident Reponse and Reporting      

Type: Procedure                 Category: Information Technology                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care employees, contractees, interns and volunteers.

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=6.MEP.37&nonav=yes

Supporting References: HIPAA 164.308.a.6.i; 164.308.a.6.ii; NIST Principles and Practices for Securing IT Systems 3.7

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
6.ME.16  2-28-2005  Management Team  6/13/05  2-28-2005
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type
6.MEF.1 Security Incident Documentation Form Form

Procedure:  .

All employees of Community Care are expected to have an understanding and awareness of security issues within the Agency. Employees are encouraged to discuss security concerns, real or potential, with their supervisors as needed. When an employee is aware of a security issue that rises to the level of a Security Incident as defined in this procedure employees are expected to take action according to this procedure in order to mitigate risk to the Agency and to protect confidential and proprietary information.



A Security Incident is defined as the attempted or successful unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of information or interference with system operations within any part of the Community Care data network.



Security Incident Levels:

Depending on the potential risk to the Agency, our clients or workforce, specific action will be taken in the following situations. If an employee is unsure of a situation they should discuss it with their supervisor or, if the situation may be more urgent, with any available supervisor. Information and/or systems affected are not limited to those containing protected health information.


Low or no risk

Description: This security issue does not rise to the level of a Security Incident and need not be acted on or documented unless it occurs repeatedly or is of concern for some other reason in which case it should be treated as a Medium Risk situation.

Examples: Employee inadvertently leaves a workstation unlocked; a Treatment Plan is delivered to the wrong DHHS worker.

Action: None. Employees should self-correct and/or speak to their supervisor for assistance. If employees find a low/no risk security breach, they should bring it to the specific colleague's attention.


Medium risk

Description: This security issue has potential to cause minor harm to the Agency or a small group or individual.

Examples: Employee inadvertently emails a Treatment Plan to a party completely unrelated to the client; laptop is stolen with small amount of confidential data on it; electronic protected health information is stored on a floppy disk in a manner not consistent with policy; an employee emails harassing or potentially offensive material.

Action: Notify supervisor and Administrative Services Manager or designee as soon as possible within 8 hours to assist with appropriate level assessment. Administrative Services Manager will document the incident on the appropriate form. Supervisor and Administrative Services Manager will determine follow-up required, as necessary.


High risk

Description: This security issue has potential to cause moderate to severe harm to the Agency, providers or clients.

Examples: Our website is defaced by hackers; a member of the outside community accesses and disseminates sensitive information to an audience hostile to our Agency or clients; disgruntled employee systematically deletes Agency data.

Action: Supervisor and Administrative Services Manager or their designee will be contacted immediately to assist with appropriate level assessment and action plan. As the supervisor and Administrative Services Manager or designee determine necessary, the Program Manager and/or Management Team will be notified as soon as is determined necessary to assess and mitigate damage. The Administrative Services Manager will document the incident on the appropriate form.