Policy Manual


Substance Abuse      

Type: Procedure                 Category: Human Resources                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care Employees and Contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=7.MEP.13&nonav=yes

Supporting References: 

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  5-1-1997  Management Team  3/23/06  3-23-2006
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type

Procedure:  .

1.      Under the influence is defined as reporting to work or conducting Agency business while being impaired to any degree by alcohol, illegal drugs, narcotics or un-prescribed medication. Detectable odor of the above will also be considered as being under the influence.

2.      Any employee taking medication, including Schedule II prescriptions that may cause drowsiness must receive approval from that employee's supervisor before transporting any clients.

3.      The consumption, sale, distribution, purchase, transfer, transportation, or possession of illegal or un-prescribed drugs or narcotics on Community Care premises is prohibited. The consumption of alcoholic beverages on Agency premises during work hours is also prohibited.

4.      If an employee's off duty conduct regarding alcohol or illegal or un-prescribed drugs or narcotics could possibly affect the ability to appropriately deliver services to its clients or could possibly affect that employee's job performance, or otherwise generates publicity or circumstances that adversely affects Community Care, its reputation, or the employee's reputation, Community Care may take disciplinary action up to and including termination.

5.      Any employee arrested and charged in a drug related A, B, or C crime (as defined by the Maine State Criminal Code) must report such arrest to their supervisor within five days and will be subject to suspension without pay until the matter is resolved.

6.      Any employee who is convicted of a drug related A, B, or C crime (as defined by the Maine State Criminal Code) must report such conviction to their supervisor within five days and will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

7.      Community Care shall inform the Department of Human Services within ten days of employee notice of the above.

8.      Any employee who is aware of another employee being under the influence shall immediately report this situation to the employee's supervisor or to Human Resources.

9.      Any employee who is suspected to be under the influence will be transported home or taken for medical care, if appropriate. An employee who is under the influence is not permitted to drive.

10.  In certain circumstances, Community Care may elect to have an employee undergo medical evaluation and/or testing at the time of the suspected impairment or at a later date. In these cases, this evaluation and/or testing will be at Agency expense.

11.  Community Care understands that substance abuse issues are sensitive and must be handled with care and confidentiality. While action will be taken to prevent harm or potential harm to the employee, co-workers, clients, and others, immediate referrals should be made through Community Care�s Employee Assistance Program.

12.  Community Care will design and implement a Substance Free Awareness Program which will minimally include training regarding the dangers of substance abuse, procedures for receiving available substance abuse counseling, and stating Community Care penalties regarding substance abuse.