Policy Manual


Leave of Absence- Personal-Non FMLA      

Type: Procedure                 Category: Human Resources                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care Employees and Contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=7.MEP.4&nonav=yes

Supporting References: 

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  N/A  Executive Director  6/07  N/A
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type
7.MEP.2 Bereavement Leave Procedure
7.MEP.3 CAREPET Leave Procedure
7.MEP.5 Military Leave Procedure
7.MEP.6 Jury/Witness Duty Procedure
7.MEP.7 Family and Medical Leave Act Procedure

Procedure:  .

1.      Eligibility for a Leave of Absence

a.   Employees who have passed their probationary period of employment and who have obtained regular�� employment status may request a leave of absence of time away from work.

b.   Such leaves may be granted not more often than once every twelve (12) months (defined as a rolling 12-month period, looking back from the first day of the leave request).

c.   The employee must apply for a leave of absence, by indicating the length leave requested, the commencement date and the return date in addition to any restrictions placed on them upon their return.

d.�� Requests need to be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the intended date upon which said leave will commence, unless prevented by extenuating circumstances.

e.  Community Care may request certification from an appropriate source to verify the amount of leave indicated.


2.      Approval

a.   The employee's immediate supervisor should assess an employee's request for a leave based on an analysis that considers both direct and indirect costs against benefits to the team, agency and the employee.

b.   Time off for two (2) consecutive weeks or less may be approved and administered by the employee's immediate supervisor. All other requests must be approved by the employee's immediate supervisor and the Executive Director and/or their designee.

c.   A leave of absence, unless specified elsewhere, may be granted for a maximum of six (6) months.

d.�� Requests for extensions of the leave of absence will be considered on a case by case basis and may not be for an amount greater than one-fourth (1/4) of the length of the original leave.


3.      Benefits While on Leave

a.   CarePET hours do not accrue when an employee is on an unpaid leave.

b.   If a leave of absence extends beyond thirty (30) days, the employee's CarePET accrual date will be adjusted accordingly.

c.   Employees will not be considered for individual merit or cost of living increases while on unpaid leave of absence.Consideration may be made upon the employee�s return from leave.

d.   For leave requests of less than thirty (30) days, employees who are on an approved leave of absence may continue to be covered by the agency's group insurance and retirement programs.The employee will continue to be responsible for any required employee or dependent contributions and the agency will continue to pay the employer's contribution for group insurance and retirement programs as applicable. After 30 days away from work on approved leave, coverage would cease at the end of that month and the employee would receive information regarding COBRA.



4.      Reinstatement

a.    If an employee returns from a leave of absence in a timely manner, every effort will be made to reinstate the employee to the position held by the employee when the leave commenced or to a position with equivalent seniority status, benefits, pay and other terms and conditions of employment.However, in some cases, for employee�s who hold a caseload and bill direct hours, the employee�s hourly status may be altered due directly from lowering their case-load while out on leave and the inability to return to a part-time high or full-time caseload.

b.   Because it may be necessary to hire a replacement during an employee's unpaid leave of absence, reinstatement to the employee's former position may not be possible.


5.      Termination

a.    An unpaid leave of absence may be automatically canceled and employment may be terminated if the employee begins work elsewhere.

b.   Employment may be terminated if the employee does not return to work on the first normal work day following the last day of the approved leave of absence, unless a request for extension has been approved by the employee's immediate supervisor and/or the Executive Director or their designee prior to the expiration date of the Leave of Absence.


6.      Responsibility

a.   Administration of the leave of absence policy is the joint responsibility of the employee, the employee's immediate supervisor, the employee's team, and Human Resources.

b.   Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Executive Director and/or their designee when such exceptions are considered to be in the best interest of both Community Care and the employee.

c.   Official leave of absence records and applicable benefits accruals and payments are maintained by Human Resources based on the terms of the approved request for leave.


  1. An employee initiated Personal Leave of Absence is an authorized written request for an absence from work for reasons other than those mandated by law or under another applicable policy such as bereavement leave or jury duty.
  2. Personal Leave of Absence is a period of absence from employment requested by an employee and approved by the employee�s immediate supervisor and/or the Executive Director or their designee. Approved Leaves of Absence for less than a month without pay will not result in a break in service.