Policy Manual


Jury/Witness Duty      

Type: Procedure                 Category: Human Resources                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care Employees and Contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=7.MEP.6&nonav=yes

Supporting References: 

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  5-1-1997  Management Team  4/09  4-15-2009
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type

Procedure:  .

1)      A full or part-time high employee required to serve on jury or witness duty will do so without loss of pay. The employee may select one of the following methods of receiving pay:

a)      Charge the time to your CarePET Account and retain the compensation received from the jury/witness duty.

b)      Remain in a regular pay status (nothing charged against your CarePET Account) report for work during regularly scheduled shifts whenever not actually serving jury/witness duty unless such return would impose an unusual hardship on the employee.

i)        If this option is selected, the employee will provide Human Resources with their Jury-Duty paycheck signed over to Community Care for deposit.

ii)      If the employee has cashed the Jury Duty paycheck, they would need to produce a copy of the Jury-Duty pay stub within two days of receipt and then the employee's gross pay (for the pay period during which the paycheck stub is received) will be reduced by the amount of the Jury (Witness) Duty pay.

c)      Only one method may be applied during the term of a specific jury/witness duty assignment. If, however, option A is selected and an employee's CarePET Account is exhausted, the employee may convert to a reduction in pay by the amount of the fees paid to them for jury/witness duty during the balance of the time served.

d)      The employee should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as they are notified of a call to Jury or Witness Duty.At the time of notification the employee will specify the preferred method of compensation.

2)      All CarePET and other employee benefits will accrue and continue during an employee's approved Jury Duty Leave period.

3)      If the employee is requested by Community Care to appear as a witness in a case, the employee will be considered to be on regular duty and no time will be charged to their CarePET Account.

4)      Official records concerning jury/witness leave are maintained by Human Resources and are based upon an approved jury/witness duty leave request and weekly time sheets.