For the disposal of all Schedule III, IV, V
1. When an order for discontinuing a medication is given by the prescribing
physician, the employee or contracted foster parent must engage in the process
of disposal of any excess medication.
2. Prior to such disposal, all remaining medication must be counted and
documented on the Community Care "Disposal of Medications Form". This
document� must
be entered in the client's case record.
�3. The disposal of the medication
must be documented and witnessed by another person who is employed by, or
contracted with, Community Care. Documentation of this disposal must be placed
in the client's case record.
4. Excess, out of date, or discontinued medications must be flushed down a
For the disposal of all Schedule II Controlled Substances:
1. When an order for discontinuing a medication is given by the prescribing physician,
the employee or contracted foster parent must engage in the process of disposal
of any excess medication.
2. Prior to such disposal, all remaining medication must be counted and
documented on Community Care "Disposal of Medications Form", signed
off on and witnessed by a disinterested party. This document must be placed in
the case record.
3. The medication shall be flushed down the toilet.� The disposal of the medication must be
witnessed by two people who were not involved with the administering of this
medication and who are employed by, or contracted with, Community Care.
Documentation of such disposal shall be placed in the case record
4. Appropriate transporting procedures must be used if the medication is
being transported to a Community Care office for disposal.