The purpose of the Community Care Prospector Program is to recruit and retain
the best qualified, skilled, and diverse individuals. The program provides a
means to encourage current employees and contracted foster parents to actively
participate in the recruitment and retention of qualified employees and foster
parents by earning $500 per approved referral who is successfully obtained and
retained for 180 days.
Program Rules
Referral Eligibility: All Regular
Community Care employees, (except Management Team members, Human Resources
personnel, or persons with hiring/contracting decision-making authority over the
referred candidates) are eligible to refer candidates. Contracted Foster
Parents are eligible for the referral program.
Interns are eligible if they are hired within one year of the referral
and meets 180 days successful completion of employment.
The referral date cannot be earlier than the date of the initial job posting
date. The hiring of a referred employee must occur within 180 days (six
months) of the initial referral date. The referral must represent the
candidate's first contact with Community Care.
Rehires will not be eligible prospects.
Additionally, only candidates who meet the essential qualifications for
the position will be considered. All candidates will be evaluated for
employment consistent with Agency policies and procedures.
Position Eligibility: The Foster
Parent position is eligible. Additionally, any position designated by the
Executive Director and listed as such on the bi-weekly job posting is eligible.
Eligibility criteria for approved positions includes, but is not limited to, an
ongoing deficit of a particular position, an anticipated increased need for a
particular position, and positions that create an inability for the agency to
best serve children and families if left vacant.
Program Process: To be eligible for an award, the referral form (below) must
first be submitted to Human Resources and must include either a
resume/employment application or proceed the resume/application of the
candidate. Once approved as a viable referral,
Human resources will send a copy to the employee or foster parent for their
records. If denied, HR will file the original and forward a copy to the
referring employee or foster parent.
first employee to refer a candidate will be the only referring employee eligible
for payment.
All information regarding the hiring decision will remain strictly confidential.
The hired candidate must successfully complete the first 180 days of employment.
Additionally, the referring employee must still be employed by Community Care
during the hired candidate's first 180 days of employment in order to receive
payment. All referral bonus payments will be processed as income in the
next pay cycle following the first 180 days of employment.
Foster parents shall complete a
W-9 form prior to receiving Prospector Program funds. Community Care will
provide a 1099 form at the end of each tax year to foster parents receiving
600.00 or more.
Any disputes or
interpretations of the program will be handled through Human Resources.
Limitations: Referral incentives may be approved or denied contingent upon
available funding and compliance with this procedure. If funding is not
available at the time of initial hire or at any time during the scheduled
payment period, incentive payments will be discontinued and will not be paid
Prospector Program Form - (not necessary if HR has employee's name on referral's
Name (Print): __________________________________ Date:
Title: _____________________________
Dept: _____________________
Employee Signature: ___________________________________
Name of Candidate You are Referring:
Position They Are Applying for:
Human Resources Section - Approved: _____ Denied:
_____ Date: __________
Reason for Denial/Comments:
Date Hired: _________________
90 - day review date: ________________
Authorized Signature in HR: ____________________________________________