Policy Manual


Rights of Recipients      

Type: Policy                 Category: Service Delivery                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care employees and contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=3.ME.5&nonav=yes

Supporting References:  COA standard CR 1: Protection of Rights and Ethical Obligations; Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services' Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services; Treatment Foster Care Standards; Chapter 16 Rules Providing for the Licensing of Family Foster Homes for Children; Chapter 15 Rules Providing for the Licensing of Specialized Foster Homes; Rules for the Licensure of Residential Child Care Facilities; and Rules Providing for the Licensing of Child Placing Agencies with and without Adoption Program.

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  2-1-1998  Board  11/95, 5/97, 2/98, 9/03  1-1-2009
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type
3.MEP.8 Rights of Recipients Procedure

Policy:  Community Care guarantees its clients the same human, civil, and legal rights afforded to all citizens. Community Care will respect these rights without regard to an individual's religious preference, biological sex, sexual orientation, age, race, national or ethnic origin, marital/partnership status, and/or the presence of federally recognized disabilities, be they physical, psychological, or emotional in nature. Community Care protects the legal and ethical rights of clients by informing clients of their rights and responsibilities, providing fair and equitable treatment, and providing clients with sufficient information to make an informed choice about participating in services. Fair and equitable treatment will include the right to receive services in a non-discriminatory manner, the consistent enforcement of program rules/expectations, and the freedom to express/practice religious and spiritual beliefs. Community Care upholds all client rights as specified by the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services. In keeping with this compliance, and in the pursuit of best practice, Community Care provides services in a non-coercive manner, in the least restrictive environment possible, based on the needs and challenges of our clients. In keeping with Community Care's beliefs and values, the empowerment of clients is considered paramount. Community Care believes that all individuals have innate strengths, talents, and potential. The types and delivery of services provided by Community Care are designed to promote and build upon the strengths of our clients. Community Care conceptualizes client "self-determination" as the inalienable right to experience both success and failure, be affirmed through both progress and regression, and to be offered the highest possible degree of choice, with the least possible amount of direction. To the greatest extent possible, Community Care supports clients in their right to guide their own course of treatment. Community Care believes that all persons benefit from authentic relationships that foster caring, nurturance, and support. Community Care believes that clients have the right to high quality treatment that fosters genuine, empathic relationships. Community Care believes that the fulfillment of these rights is an honorable pursuit that requires the best efforts of all providers. Participation in programs at Community Care is voluntary. All Community Care clients have the right to choose to participate in treatment services, unless such services are mandated by the legal system or another authorized party. If a choice is made to decline participation in the services offered by Community Care, that choice might result in consideration for termination and actual discharge from the program. Potential discharges from the program will be explained to clients prior to any action being taken. A written summary of client rights and responsibilities is posted in the reception area of all Community Care offices.