Policy Manual



Type: Procedure                 Category: Service Delivery                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care Employees and Contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=3.MEP.13&nonav=yes

Supporting References: COA Service Standards MH1, CM 2, FPS 2, VOC 2, FC 1

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  5-1-1997  Executive Director  2/09  2-18-2009
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type

Procedure:  .

  1. The referring party contacts the Community Care intake coordinator or designee.
  2. The intake coordinator or designee gathers referral information from the referent and enters the referral into Anasazi.Information about the potential client is collected on the Demographic Information Form.
  3. MaineCare coverage or other qualifying insurance/payment coverage is then verified.If coverage is not current, either the referent or the program coordinator of the service being requested will be contacted so that they can assist the person being referred to pursue financial eligibility.
  4. When financial eligibility is obtained, the referral (which is now considered an assignment) is forwarded by the intake coordinator to the finance department for processing.
  5. Once processed, the assignment is forwarded to the intake coordinator of the program/service being requested to complete the steps necessary to admit the client for services.
  6. Information relevant to the provision of services that is not gathered during the referral process will be gathered during the screening and/or intake process.


Emergency Intake

After hours and emergency intake can occur at the discretion of the individual program coordinator in consultation with their program director.