Policy Manual


Aftercare Planning      

Type: Procedure                 Category: Service Delivery                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care employees and contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=3.MEP.49&nonav=yes

Supporting References: COA Service Standards VOC 13, MH 10, FC 15, FPS 10, CM 9

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
N/A  3-25-2004  Management Team  5/06, 1/09  1-1-2009
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type

Procedure:  .

1.       For planned client discharges from Community Care services, the Case Manager/Coordinator/Support Worker will assist the client and/or the legal guardian in planning for aftercare services, as appropriate.This planning will occur sufficiently enough in advance of the client leaving the program or ending the service to ensure that an orderly discharge process takes place.When not contraindicated all significant individuals and providers involved in the client's life will be invited to aftercare planning meetings.

2.       A client and/or the legal guardian may refuse aftercare planning/services.

3.       Aftercare planning will minimally include filling out the Community Care Aftercare Services Checklist form.

4.       Also included in the process of aftercare planning, when possible:

    1. Identification of needs made jointly with client and/or the legal guardian, with a plan to meet those needs,
    2. Exploration of suitable resources with a list of such provided to the client and/or the legal guardian,
    3. Referrals to appropriate providers when such action is requested, and
    4. A plan for follow-up, if required and if possible, is included.

5.       All Aftercare Plans are reviewed by the Case Supervisor.The signature of the Case Supervisor on the Aftercare Services Checklist form signifies this review.

6.       The Aftercare Services Checklist (and plans when present) will be filed in the Client�s Case Record and a copy provided to the client and/or their legal guardian.

7.       Upon ending of services of any client, the case manager/coordinator will complete a discharge summary within the appropriate number of days required. (Please see the Discharge and Termination procedure)