Policy Manual


Disaster and Evacuation      

Type: Procedure                 Category: Risk Management and Safety                 Level: Community Care 

Parties: Community Care Employees and Contractees

Printer Friendly Version: http://apps.comcareme.org/policymanual/default.aspx?code=9.MEP.13&nonav=yes

Supporting References: HIPAA security

Parent Effective Date Approval Level Revision Dates Last Reviewed
9.ME.6  3-1-1999  Executive Director    N/A
Related Document Code Related Document Name Type

Procedure:  .

1.       Any Community Care provider who becomes aware of the need for immediate evacuation of the facility will assure that such evacuation occurs immediately. This will be done by immediately notifying the receptionist or designee responsible for the facility that such an evacuation is necessary.

2.       This designee will notify the proper emergency response authorities, depending on the situation.

3.       In the case of a power outage, the designee will review the need for evacuation. If evacuation is deemed necessary, evacuation procedures stated in this policy will be followed.

4.       Depending upon the severity of the situation, the primary concern is to evacuate or relocate all occupants to a secure area of the building as quickly and safely as possible.

5.       All doors will be closed, but not locked, as the evacuation occurs.

6.       The designee will be responsible for accounting for all occupants after evacuation.

7.       All individuals who are aware of occupants in or around the facility will be responsible for accompanying these individuals to a secure part of the building or evacuating them from the premises.

8.       The designee will check all parts of the facility for occupants and will ensure that they evacuate from or relocate within the facility.

9.       The designee or other trained staff will assist handicapped or impaired occupants down stairs or past any other barriers.

10.    When evacuation is necessary, all occupants will proceed to a pre-determined meeting area and remain there until further notice. When possible, temporary shelter will be prearranged with nearby organizations or businesses.

11.    Access routes for emergency personnel will be cleared of personal vehicles and widened if possible.

12.    The designee will meet emergency personnel and advise them of the situation and any potential hazards.

13.    Following evacuation, a facility may be reoccupied when deemed safe by the emergency response personnel or the designee.

14.    Each Community Care facility will conspicuously post a floor plan showing a diagram of the building and arrows pointing out the primary and secondary routes of exit.

15.    The designee will schedule at least quarterly and document evacuation drills at each Community Care facility.